Sonic The Hedgehog 3

This exhilarating action-adventure comedy film raced onto our screens and straight into the worldwide box office top twenty list in 2024. Based on Sega's flagship franchise Sonic the Hedgehog, which is one of the bestselling video game franchises of all time, this third instalment of the film series was sure to be a cosmic hit.
The outdoor advertising campaign for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was vast and ambitious. Our team let their creativity run wild as they worked on some truly memorable pieces, such as a 3D activation for the UK, featuring Sonic and Shadow appearing to burst forth from a pair of eye-catching billboards.

Localised 1-Sheets | Teaser
Localised 1-Sheets | Payoff Montage
Localised 1-Sheets | City Run

Localised Digital Out Of Home

Localised 96 Sheet | Shatter

Localised 96 Sheet | Heros vs Villains

Localised 96 Sheet | Speed vs Power

Golden Rings Galore!

The release of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 took the box office earnings for the trilogy beyond a staggering 1 billion dollars.

Pan Regional MinuteMedia | Desktop Skins

Localised Titles | Line Arts
Localised Titles | Rendered RGB

Localised Environment Shots

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